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Really cool game with nice puzzles and quirky sense of humour. I love the art style, especially. You definitely got the Day of the Tentacle vibe in both the backgrounds and the character sprites. Hope to see more of Yip Quest in the future.


Couldn't resist another Yip Quest instalment! Amazing effort, especially considering the restraints!

(1 edit)

Awww! Thank you! I already loved your stream of my game Yip Quest! I'll definitely watch your stream! <3

Update: I've watched your stream and you really got me with the scene of the gleaver! xD Also, thanks for sharing the link of my game! <333


Charming and funny!  Great job!

Thanks, Nate! <33333


So much fun haha, its amazing that it was only done in 2 weeks, awesome job, the puzzles were fun and the characters funny! :D


Thanks for playing my game, Gendgi! :D I'm glad you like it a lot! :))


These backgrounds are a big step up from Yip Quest 1. Amazing progress, Ramón!

Thank you very much, Rubén! :) I'm more than happy I dared to try the Dott style and it fits so well to the comedy fantasy world of my kobold universe. :D


Awesome job! Really fun and unexpected puzzle interactions while going through the castle. The cameo by Chubby Mousy was perfect!

Thanks for playing my game, man! :) I'm very pleased to hear! Hehe... yeah! A distant relative of my cat Fat Mousy! :D


LOL. A lot of fun :D

Awwww, thank you, thank you, Ana! <333


Well done!! I really liked it a lot.

I'm very happy to hear that you've enjoyed my game! :)


Very good, short but good game!

Glad you enjoyed my game! :)